Class: Birds
Order: Psittaciformes (Melopsittacus undulatus)
Family: Psittaculidae
Weight: 40–45 g
Body Length: 17–19,8 cm
Color: The natural color is grass-green, with the back of the head, nape, and upper back marked by dark brown wavy patterns on a yellow background. Selective breeding has produced a wide variety of colors: blue, azure, lilac-pink, gray, olive-green, and more.
Age of sexual maturity: 6–7 months
Incubation period: the female incubates the eggs for an average of 18–21 days.
Lifespan: in the wild — 4–8 years, in captivity — 8–15 years
Habitat range: Australia and nearby islands
Diet: In the wild — grains and seeds of plants, as well as young shoots, bark, berries, fruits, and even small insects; in captivity — a grain mixture (millet, flaxseed, oats, etc.), fruits, vegetables, grass, and greens.
Did you know?
- Budgerigars can mimic sounds, human speech, and the voices of other animals. Their vocabulary typically consists of 100–150 words. The world record for the most talkative budgerigar belongs to a parrot named Puck, who knew 1,728 words!
- In the wild, they live in flocks that can number up to 1,000 individuals.
- Budgerigars love to sleep and dedicate 10–12 hours a day to it.